We live in an age where we need everything fast or we’re furious. We’re so used to quick download times and transmissions that when faced with a slow network connection it can be extremely frustrating.
When you have to wait it can feel like your network is working against you, but we know that’s not true. The machines aren’t against us – We’ve put together a list of the most common reasons that your computer may be lagging.
Service Provider
The speed of the network depends upon the type of the network you are using. There are three types of networks- Dial-up, DSL, and Cable. Cabling connection is the fastest among all, the DSL works way better than Dial-up. So if you are using a Dial-up connection, this can be a reason of slower down your network. You can improve your speed by either using fastest modem or by checking if your phone lines are in better condition, they are not damaged or twisted with other cables.
Software Problem:
There can be virus problem or some other downloading might be going on simultaneously. Spyware/malware might be affecting your internet connection by using its bandwidth. Spyware adds delays by interfering with your browser and slower down your computer’s speed.
Packet Loss:
In some cases the message is sent in the form of packets. Due to the loss of some packets on the network, there occurs retransmission, which causes a delay in sending the message on time. So this can also be one of the reasons of slow network.
Hardware Problem:
Bad configuration can also be a reason for slow network, if the multicast traffic techniques are not configured properly. This also affects the data transfer, by causing packet loss. Bad network cabling is another reason. Cables with loose ends, twisted cables or wrong cable with wrong connection to the computer or the network jack.
Network Interface Card:
Your network interface card might have turned older and slower. It sometimes transmits junk packets, which starts troubling, delays in transferring the data.
Signal Interference:
Your neighbor’s internet connections also create interference sometimes. Also some of your home electrical appliances like microwaves cause interference. Radio waves can also be the reason for slower down your internet connection.